Pre-Departure Training for SEA-TEACHER Program Batch 9 2023

Pre-Departure Training for SEA-TEACHER Program Batch 9 2023

SEA-Teacher is a project to provide opportunities for student teachers from universities in Southeast Asia to gain teaching experience in schools in other countries in Southeast Asia. 

Sending universities have an important role in preparing prospective teachers before departure. Therefore, the Pre-Departure Training for SEA Teachers activity is carried out with the aim of preparing student teachers in preparing lesson plans and discussing curriculum with partner universities before departure and during the exchange period. Other things that can be prepared in this activity are logistical arrangements: passports and airline tickets, English language skills, health insurance, accidents, and international travel, mental readiness, cultural differences.

This pre-departure activity was carried out online and offline for six times, which was on July 29 - August 18, 2023.

The first activity, July 29, 2023 was an introductory agenda as well as English language assistance which was carried out online by zoom meeting. This activity was attended by all UNMUL SEA-Teacher participants with the speaker Mrs. Syamdianita, M.Pd who is an English education lecturer at FKIP UNMUL. The material presented was divided into two sessions, where the first session was about how to introduce yourself correctly and the second session discussed academic English and how to make lesson plans.

Gambar 1. Screenshots of English Mentoring Activities

The next activity is the initial briefing of all SEA-Teacher Student Exchange program participants. This activity was held on August 2, 2023 in the Main Meeting Room of the Deans of FKIP 3rd Floor, Gunung Kelua Campus and was attended by all SEA-Teacher participants along with Dr.Phil. Maria Teodora Ping M.Sc (Head of PLKPI), Mrs. Nurul Fitriyah Sulaeman, Ph.D (Coordinator of Academic Cooperation), Mr. Zulkarnaen, M.Si (Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs), and Dr. Sunardi, S.S., M. Hum (Deputy Dean for General and Financial Affairs). This agenda discussed a series of SEA-Teacher activity processes and budgeting. Each participant was provided with a guidebook containing complete information on SEA-Teacher activities for outbound students.

Gambar 2. SEA-Teacher Batch 9 Participants Initial Briefing

Next was a sharing session with alumni students of the GAEP Program University of Adelide 2023 which was divided into two sessions. The first session was held on August 4, 2023 at 09.00 - 11.00 WITA in room 001 FKIP UNMUL. This session contained sharing experiences of Raysa Zamima (Biology Education student) and Anissa Widya Wati (Physics Education student), during their student exchange at the University of Adelide. This agenda was carried out to provide an overview to the SEA-Teacher Batch 9 program students how to live abroad, so that each student can prepare themselves both physically and mentally.

Gambar 3. Sharing Session with GEAP University of Adelide 2023 Alumni

The next activity was a sharing session with SEA-Teacher Batch 5 alumni which was held online on August 5, 2023 at 09.00 WITA. The speakers in this session were SEA-Teacher Batch 5 alumni, Fuad Sulistio S.Pd (Suan Sunanda Rajabhat University, Thailand) and Hadijah M.Pd (Ateneo de Naga University, Philippines). This alumni sharing activity is expected to provide a clearer picture to all outbound students regarding all SEA-Teacher activities, both in the teaching process, life while in another country, and how to prepare for the possibilities that can occur when in another country.

Gambar 4. Sharing Session with Alumni SEA-Teacher Batch 5

The next activity is a continuation of session 2 sharing with alumni students of the GAEP Program University of Adelide 2023 which was held on August 11, 2023 in room 001 FKIP UNMUL. This activity contains presentations related to Indonesian culture, where each outbound student has been assigned to prepare a PowerPoint related to Indonesian culture. The purpose of holding this activity is so that all participants can prepare materials that can introduce Indonesia to the recipient university or recipient school where students are placed.

Gambar 5. Preparing Presentations related to Indonesia

The last activity was held on August 18, 2023 at the UNMUL 3rd Floor Rectorate Meeting Room. This activity is the release of SEA-Teacher outbound students as well as the symbolic handover of totebag and lanyard souvenirs before students leave for Vietnam and the Philippines. This event was attended by the Rector of Mulawarman University, Dr. Ir. H. Abdunnur, M.Si, and his staff; Dean of FKIP Mulawarman University, Prof. Dr. Muh. Amir Masruhim, M.Kes, and his staff; All Heads of FKIP UNMUL Study Programs; along with the Chairperson of PLKPI, Dr.Phil. Maria Teodora Ping M.Sc, Coordinator of Academic Cooperation, Mrs. Nurul Fitriyah Sulaeman, Ph.D, and Mrs. Rosalina, S.Pd.

Gambar 6. Photo Documentation with Outbound Students SEA-Teacher Batch 9 Students

 Berikut akses Letter of acceptance :

 1. Alya Puspita Zahra : Link
 2. Bening Anggraeni : Link
 2. Dian Rachel Pasaribu : Link

(red/Alya Puspita Zahra)