Meeting with Physics Education Alumni

Meeting with Physics Education Alumni

The Physics Education Study Program, Mulawarman University (UNMUL), held a meeting agenda with alumni on May 12, 2023 in Room 001 FKIP UNMUL. This sharing and discussion is carried out periodically to continue to maintain good relations with stakeholders and align the curriculum in the Physics Education study program with the latest needs of the world of work, especially schools. The meeting was attended by 5 alumni representatives, consisting of Dr. Rozak (Principal of SMAN 16 Samarinda), Mr. Ahmad Wasis (Principal of SMAN 11 Samarinda), Mr. Darminto (Principal of SMPN 4 Samarinda), Mr. Jarnuji Umar (Principal of SMAN 13 Samarinda), and Mr. Rasyanto (Principal of SMAN Fastabiqul Khairat). This sharing and discussion was also attended by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Zulkarnaen, M.Si and guided by the coordinator of the Physics Education study program, Dr. Riskan Qadar, M.Si. 

This agenda contains input and suggestions for developing the Physics Education Study Program. In general, alumni and stakeholders stated that students and graduates of the Physics Education Study Program have been able to compete and be accepted in the world of work. It is proven that in the KKN and PLP programs, students are able to apply their pedagogical skills in teaching and learning activities and their social skills in group activities. Some inputs include Mr. Ahmad Wasis input regarding the participation of SMAN 11 Samarinda as a driving school which is a ‘’sekolah penggerak’’ for implementing the Merdeka Curriculum, it is hoped that the Physics Education Study Program can prepare prospective teachers who understand curriculum changes. Some of the peculiarities in the Merdeka Curriculum such as learning activities through projects and the formation of the Pancasila student profile need to be understood by prospective teachers. In addition, Mr. Jarnuji Umar conveyed to be able to extend the PLP-KKN to three months accompanied by teaching assistance. As well as input into learning-related courses to accommodate changes in the independent curriculum. (red/Alya Puspita Zahra)